You laugh because I'm different...
I laugh because you're all the same.

About Depression.

Fact 1:
The number one cause of suicide is untreated Depression.

Fact 2:
Clinical Depression is not "the blues", it is a medical illness and has it's roots in things such as genetics((in some families, Depression is passed down through the genes)), psychology ((Personality traits)) and environmental factors ((life circumstances.)) Clinical Depression is caused by the neurotransmitters ((Chemicals of the Brain that regulate how a person thinks, feels, and acts)) getting out of balance. This can be caused by genes, a stressful or tragic event, or seemingly come out of nowhere. However it happens, the person who is depressed is not to blame, and depression is nothing to be ashamed of. Depressed feelings last longer than a few weeks, and people can not just "talk themselves out of them." Their whole life: body, behaviour, appearance, thoughts, feelings etc, is affected by Depression, and they deserve support, not condemnation.

Fact 3:
Anybody can get depression. All ages, both genders, every race: all can get depression, and no matter who you are, it is worth getting help, and treatment. it doesn't have to slow you down.

Fact 4:
It is important that someone who is depressed receives support from their friends, and to do that it helps to know a bit about what you are talking about. Your friend may not realize that they have a legitimate illness and may be tormenting themself with blame, or hopelessness: you can help make them see that there is help, and treatment available.

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Mental Illnesses

Signs of Depression