You laugh because I'm different...
I laugh because you're all the same.

Myth: Its too hard, I can't cope.
Truth: Whatever it is, you can cope, it may take a lot of effort, and maybe you don't feel like you have much left to give, but humans have sources of strength deeper than any you may be conscious of yet, and you CAN cope. You WILL get better.

Myth: I am all alone.
Truth: No you are not. No-one is ever truly alone. It can be hard to fight this feeling. I could say: Turn a television, or the stereo on, maybe the background noise will lessen your feeling of isolation, but thats not always helpful. The point is though You are NOT alone. Somebodies thoughts are always with you, whether or not you know it. Friends, families, councellors... these people care, and one, two, or all of them will be willing, and able to keep you company, and help you through this. There are telephone councellors when your feeling bad, or the CATT team, in emergencies when you feel like you may do harm to yourself, or others.

Myth: It's my fault for feeling this way.
Truth: No WAY. Feelings are never right, or wrong, they don't come from the mind, but from the heart, and everyone has a heart... metaphorically, and literally. Everyone needs a little help sometimes and you should NEVER be ashamed to ask for it. And I think you should keep in mind that anyone who reacts badly is the one with the problem, not you. You have the right to receive help, without blame. Blaming yourself is futile, it takes you nowhere.

Myth:I will never feel better.
Truth: Thinking like that does NOT help you. And it is wrong, because you WILL get better. You don't HAVE to let this get the better of you. Seek help in as many forms as you can, and when you have even the slightest moments of happiness, treasure it. Say to yourself - I WILL feel like that again, soon. You CAN beat depression, you CAN feel good. No matter who you are, or what your circumstances are, you can fight that fight and WIN.

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Mental Illnesses