You laugh because I'm different...
I laugh because you're all the same.

Ways to cope.

--> Share your feelings with someone you trust. Or even a perfect stranger, like a councellor. That can be a relief.
--> Spend time with those you love, and have good times with.
--> Life one day at a time - Depression Does pass.
--> Plan your day. Break difficult tasks into smaller parts. give yourself credit for the small things you get done.
-->Do something you find pleasurable every day. ie/Read a chapter of a new book, watch a good movie, take a walk...
--> Get some exercise if you can, or at leat a deep breath of fresh air.
--> Eat fresh healthy food - but don't feel bad about eating some yummy junk food sometimes!
--> Get plenty of light, especially in Winter.
--> Keep something close by that makes you smile... perhaps a child's drawing, or an extract from a book. A smile can be the beginning of feeling better all round.
--> Watch a funny movie or video.
--> Cuddle a pet.
--> Buy yourself something you want and would enjoy.
--> Wear something you feel good in.
--> Take a long hot bath.
--> Learn to relax... ie/ Music, Yoga, Meditation...
--> try changing negative thoughts to positive ones.
--> Listen to, or help another person.
--> Use whatever spiritual resources you feel comfortable calling on.

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Mental Illnesses