Anybody is succeptible to thoughts of suicide,
and those threatening it should always be taken seriously.

Suicide: a permanent solution to a temporary situation.

Suicide happens when pain exceeds
the persons resources for coping with pain.

Symptoms of a suicidal person:

--> Talking or joking about suicide.
--> Saying things like "You'll be sorry when I'm gone" , "it will all be over soon" etc
--> Talking about how worthless/useless they are, or how hopeless their situation is.
--> Preoccupation with death.
--> Suddenly seeming calmer, and happier, when nothing has changed.
--> Writing poetry about death and suicide.
--> Giving treasured possessions away.
--> Visiting or calling a lot of people they care about.
--> Putting their affairs in order.
--> Talking about being reunited with a deceased loved one.
--> Self-destructive behavior (alcohol/drug abuse, self-injury or mutilation, promiscuity).
--> Unusual risk-taking. (Reckless driving, etc)
--> An obsession with things such as guns or knives.
--> Talking about how impossible life is.
--> Low self-esteem.
--> Recent suicide of a friend or relative.
--> Minor self-mutilation.
--> Withdrawal from friends, family, classes and activities.
--> Uncharacteristic behaviour: frequent crying, recklessness, anger, or unexpected apologies for past wrongs.
--> Changes in eating or sleeping patterns.
--> Taking unnaturally long to get over a break-up.
--> Giving up caring about health or appearance.

What you can do if you think a loved one is suicidal:

--> It is okay to ask someone if they are feeling suicidal.
--> Questions you can ask:
* Do you have a plan?
* Do you know where/when you would do it?
* Do you have access to what you would use? ((If yes, do not leave this person alone. Take them to a hospital, or ring a suicide hotline, councellor, or other trusted person. or simply stay with them, and try and talk it out.))
--> Never keep somebodies plan to committ suicide a secret. tell someone in authority.
--> Do: say things like "I can tell you are really hurting. I care about you, and want to help." Then follow it through. Help them get help.
--> Reassure them that the situation may be temporary, and remind them that depression and suicidal thoughts can be treated.
--> Reassure them that with help, they can overcome this.
--> Assure them that there are people who care and will listen.
--> Don't skirt round the subject: talk to them ddirectly about suicide and death. Be open.
--> Stay calm i know it's hard for you, too, but you get better results than if you are stressed and shout a lot: that sort of behaviour only causes people to clam up and withdraw, thinking you don't really care.
--> Listen carefully and encourage the person to talk.
--> Ask helpful questions... breaking a problem down into smaller parts and attempting to work through each part could prove helpful in resolving confusion.
--> Don't call the persons bluff, or worsen their feelings of guilt and worthlessness by telling them they are selfish.

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